Who We Are

The past few years, the area where I live, Crawford County, Ohio, has seen a wonderful explosion of younger families who are embracing the joys and challenges of living off the land. Because of them, amazing things are happening which have been embraced by our community. Farmer’s markets have been created and on-farm stores have opened. Families dedicated to growing organic produce and naturally raised meats are meeting the public’s needs for locally raised foods. And at the heart of this movement are the women.

Ohio Country Journal is my attempt to share the essence of farm life, focusing on, but not limited to, women. My goal is to bring you into our circle of friendship by inviting you to share your stories and experiences with us. You don’t have to be a full time country woman to benefit from joining us; you just have to be you.

The full-time country women featured in Ohio Country Journal are an inspiration to anyone who dares to follow her dreams, whether it is to live in the country or to bring the country life-style to their urban neighborhoods.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thar's Gold in Them Thar Fields!

Travel the beautiful Ohio countryside these days, and you'll see a froth of gold on soybean fields. As the soybeans ripen in their pods, the plants will turn a deep golden hue right down to their dark green roots. 

The fields are in different stages of golding up. Some have just begun while others are already turning brown. Most, though, look like the field in today's picture. With goldenrod and brown-eyed Susans chiming in, these are truly Golden Days. And if prices are good, the farmers will be rewarded with gold of another kind. 

I plan to enjoy these days as much as possible, because as the poet Robert Frost observed nearly 100 years ago, Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay. 

Marcheta *having Gilt feelings
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  1. Marcheta,
    Wonderful read again.
    I adore the reference of 'Gilt'..fields of gold, and of course thinking of Robert Frost.
    I just came in from an extraordinary exploration of my countryside, the fields are alive as always and now I'm off to take an allergy tablet.

  2. Thanks, VeeVee!

    For the first time in his life, Jim (who works outside) is suffering from allergies this year. This seems strange to me.
