Who We Are

The past few years, the area where I live, Crawford County, Ohio, has seen a wonderful explosion of younger families who are embracing the joys and challenges of living off the land. Because of them, amazing things are happening which have been embraced by our community. Farmer’s markets have been created and on-farm stores have opened. Families dedicated to growing organic produce and naturally raised meats are meeting the public’s needs for locally raised foods. And at the heart of this movement are the women.

Ohio Country Journal is my attempt to share the essence of farm life, focusing on, but not limited to, women. My goal is to bring you into our circle of friendship by inviting you to share your stories and experiences with us. You don’t have to be a full time country woman to benefit from joining us; you just have to be you.

The full-time country women featured in Ohio Country Journal are an inspiration to anyone who dares to follow her dreams, whether it is to live in the country or to bring the country life-style to their urban neighborhoods.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ice Fishing

Migrating birds are beginning to make the reservoirs more interesting, but the other day it was a huge amount of Herring Gulls that stole the show. The water was thawing on the shorelines and even in patchy parts towards the middle. The gulls were busy feasting on small fish that must have been just under the surface of the ice.

I spent a couple of hours watching and photographing water birds: Coots, Blue Winged Teal, Mallards, Mergansers, Canada Geese, and Redheads, but the gulls were the most fascinating. Why? Because of their big personalities. They squawk at each other, chase each other, get into arguments that require taking sides, and otherwise engage in lively conflicts with each other. When I watch them, I always think of the Jerry Springer show. :)

It won't be long before ice fishing will have to wait until next winter. I am glad that I got what might be my last chance to see birds ice fishing this season.   But more than that, I am excited that spring migration is underway. I may just join the fun by migrating to the Lake Erie marshes as often as possible this spring :)

Where do you like to migrate to?

Marcheta *camera ready


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